
Podcasting Lousin Interview On Illinois Constitution And Constitutional Convention – Cutback Amendment, 2008 Referendum For Con Con, Caring About State Constitutions

In this Track 6, the final installment of my interview with Illinois Constitutional scholar Prof. Lousin, Ann wraps up her discussion of the Cutback Amendment. She also talks about the prospects for another Constitutional Convention in Illinois. (The question of whether to have a Con Con will be on the 2008 election ballot in Illinois.) And finally, Prof. Lousin tells us why, in an era of overwhelming federal control, state constitutions are important.

This track is 16 minutes 28 seconds. If you want to listen to the interview now, just click on the triangle on the left side of the bar right below. To download to your desktop, laptop, or iPod for later listening, click on the MP3 link directly below the bar.

The first five segments of this interview are available directly below.

I am planning to broadcast more interviews of notable people who will be of interest to lawyers. The subject matter I want to cover will concern appellate practice and Illinois constitutional matters. Drop me an email and let me know if you like or dislike this format, or if you have suggestions about subjects or individuals you’d like to hear. (And don’t worry, I’ll get better at asking the questions.)

Interview with Prof. Ann Lousin re Illinois Constitution and Constittutional Convention

MP3 File

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